Coffee Machine with Real Lights and Sounds Pods
The Coffee Machine included in this set is a realistic toy that provides an engaging and educational play experience. With this coffee maker, children can learn independently how to make coffee, stimulating their creativity and imitating the actions of adults.
The coffee machine is equipped with various functions, including heating, water dispensing, water stop, and pod removal. These functions make the game even more realistic and engaging for children.
To use the machine, the child will need to fill the tank with water, turn on the game and insert the wafer. Next, he will operate the "warm up" button to prepare the machine, then press the red front button to drop the pod. After placing the cup, it will be able to operate the brewing, and once satisfied with the amount of coffee, simply press the stop button.
The coffee machine also features realistic lights and sounds that faithfully reproduce the operation of a real coffee machine. These details make the game even more engaging and allow children to fully immerse themselves in the coffee-making experience.
This coffee machine is a great choice for children who enjoy imitation play and want to learn new things in a fun way. It gives them the opportunity to develop motor, cognitive and social skills while having fun playing.
Buy the Coffee Machine with real lights and sounds pods and offer your child a realistic and educational play experience that will stimulate his or her imagination and creativity.