African Family 8 Characters
We present the African Family consisting of 8 characters representing three generations: children, teenagers, parents and grandparents. Each character is reproduced in great detail and made of sturdy colored plastic material.
The height of the adults is about 13 cm, making these characters the perfect size for small children's hands.
- 1 pair of children
- 1 pair of teenagers
- 1 pair of parents
- 1 pair of grandparents
- Reproduced to the smallest detail
- Made of sturdy colored plastic material
- They represent three generations of a family
These characters can be used in a variety of ways, both in role-playing and in education. Children can use them to create stories and scenarios that reflect everyday life, thus promoting their imagination, social skills and understanding of family dynamics. Educators can use these characters as a teaching tool to teach children about the concept of family, the different relationships among its members, and the importance of respect and love within the family.
Recommended age:
Suitable for children of all ages.