Playmobil City Life Rescue Team
PLAYMOBIL rescue team with full equipment to care for patients right at the scene of the accident! Including the new defibrillator bag!
Join the PLAYMOBIL rescue team and become an everyday hero. The four-person team is not only highly trained, but also fully equipped for all emergencies. In case of cardiac problems, the paramedics carry the bag with defibrillator. With the defibrillator, patients can be helped quickly. The defibrillator bag and doctor's case have room for other medical tools such as scissors, tweezers and splint dressings. The silicone bandages fit flexibly. Grab your stethoscope and get ready for action!
The detailed character set for children ages 4 and up includes four PLAYMOBIL characters, IVs, various tools, bandage splints, doctor's case and other accessories for exciting rescue missions in the children's room. PLAYMOBIL City Life series sets include realistic vehicles and sets with which children can develop important skills while encouraging self-confidence.