Omo Flavors of Nature gr. 100x4 Pear
Il nuovo omogeneizzato Sapori di Natura™ alla Pera ha il gusto delicato e autentico della pera.
Why choose it
From the earliest stages of weaning, it is important to accustom your child to the variety of flavors A new, simpler and gentler processing of the ingredients and the innovative flavor-saving hermetic tub allow the organoleptic characteristics of the fruit to be preserved at their best Oasi® Plasmon guarantees the highest quality of fruit thanks to the total traceability of raw materials
How I prepare it
The product is ready to use.
Nutritional characteristics
Fruit is an important food in your baby's diet. Sapori di Natura™ homogenized foods, thanks to their unique taste-saving preparation, best preserve the richness of the food's flavors, colors and aromas. In addition, Sapori di Natura™ homogenized foods contain no added flavors and are free of preservatives and dyes as required by law.
Cosa contiene Pera (97%) Zucchero Succo di limone concentrato Vitamina C
Nutritional values
(valori nutrizionali medi per 100g) Valore energetico: 350 KJ/83 Kcal Proteine (Nx6,25): 0,4 g Carboidrati (p.d.): 17,5g, di cui:Zuccheri: 16,2g
Grassi: 0,5 g, di cui:Saturi: 0,1 g
Fibra alimentare: 3,5g Sodio non superiore a: 10 mg Vitamina C: 50 mg