Cd i Verbs Canterini
The book, suitable for teachers, educators, and parents, is a useful teaching tool aimed at learning about verbs and their grammatical features. The project - marked by clarity and explanatory richness - deals with all aspects related to the verb with extreme gradualness: person, number, root, desinence, conjugations (including the proper conjugation of the verbs "to be" and "to have"), modes and tenses of the verb, active and passive forms, and spelling peculiarities of the verb "to have." Lively songs help children internalize some salient features of the verb, using melody, rhythm and rhyme to encourage memorization of the content.
Book + Compact Disc
Author: Silvia Rinaldi, Giuliano Crivellente
Publisher: Mela Music
Year published: 2006
In print since: January 1, 2006
Pages: 48 p., ill.