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EAN: 8711808316133

Throw a disc, catch a ball! Phlat Ball ™ V3 is a unique sports toy that transforms from a flying disc to a ball ! Push down to set the mechanism and watch as it pops open into a ball in mid-air. It flattens out so it's easy to slip into a bag on the go!

Design ultra flessibile Facile da trasportare Colori assortiti La funzione di aspirazione a rilascio variabile aggiunge un elemento di sorpresa al gioco

Transizioni da disco da 9 pollici a sfera da 6 pollici Per 1 o più giocatori, dai 5 anni in su.

PLEASE NOTE: The product is available in various colors. By confirming your purchase, you will receive one of the colors depending on availability with no choice.

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Giodicart Group Ltd. S. P. 130 Trani-Andria km 0.900 (16 bis exit Trani Nord) 76125 TRANI (BT) P. VAT IT04715400729 - REA BA-330745 - Cap. Soc. Euro 3,000,000 i.v.