Calciobalilla Con Gettoniera Coperto Con Aste Rientranti
With top glass, safeguarding receipts
By reason of its name Coperto has the playing area completely sealed by top glass that reduces the noise of matches, but more importantly prevents ball theft and interference during play, thus safeguarding receipts.
Coperto is enhanced with all the most sophisticated details you can get on a foosball table, such as an anti-reflective sandblasted glass playing field, non-slip grips with wooden inserts, and much more.
The opening of the cabinet is facilitated by two gas springs, which keep the top raised, allowing both the collection of the takings and any inspection and cleaning of the inside of the table soccer to be carried out in perfect safety.
Covered can be provided with interior lighting of the play area to allow play in dimly lit environments or create special effects in dark rooms.
The possibility of using--in addition to the standard mechanical coin acceptor--highly sophisticated coin acceptance systems (such as the electromechanical system or the electronic GARL 2001 system ) makes it possible to meet the cash collection needs of any type of venue.