150 Logical-Perceptive Games
Develop visuoperceptive and visuospatial prerequisites for learning
The book offers 150 games organized in five sections corresponding to the functions most involved, visuospatial skills and intermodal integration, visual information analysis, visual and visuospatial memory, mental representation, and prerequisites of reading-writing and calculation. Many of the proposed activities take place at the desk, but can be incorporated into a neuropsychomotor course in order to make them more motivating and to develop flexibility and the ability to explore space. Some also lend themselves to group work, which is useful for integration and socialization. It is also possible to enlarge some of the cards, particularly those of the activities with grids, and attach them to the wall, asking for the performance of the activity on the wall. This allows you to work on proximal limb tone and control of eye movements in space, so as to develop eye-motor control not only in fixations and small movements in space-table but also in larger eye movements.