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Autism How and What to Do - operational manuals

Autism How and What to Do

EAN: 9788809855854

'Autism: how and what to do with children and youth in school' is a kit consisting of an Operational Guide, two Workbooks and restricted access to a mini-site containing online expansions (www.giuntiscuola.it/autismo: restricted access upon entering an alphanumeric code on the Guide). The workbook illustrates methods and strategies for quality inclusive teaching and provides numerous worksheets for the teacher and the learner. It is a concrete and comprehensive response to the educational needs of students with autism.

The GUIDE opens with a questionnaire for self-assessment of one's knowledge on the topic and consists of two sections:
knowing in order to intervene: it is explained in detail how autism manifests itself, describing both the difficulties and strengths of those affected, and the special educational needs manifested by pupils with autism are presented
skills and methodologies: the conditions for designing a quality educational intervention are defined--from the initial assessment to the definition of objectives, passing through the organization of spaces, times and activities--and the most effective strategies to be used in daily work are suggested.

WORKBOOKS are divided according to the level of functionality of the child with autism and contain work tools organized into worksheets and materials for the teacher (detailing the activities to be proposed, how they should be carried out, and the most effective intervention strategies) and worksheets for the learner that can be immediately used with the child or adapted according to the child's needs.
Workbook 1 (low level of functionality) proposes activities to develop the basic prerequisites that facilitate learning and continues with pathways for achieving the main goals in the different areas of the IEP: motor-praxic, social, cognitive, affective-emotional, communication and language, and autonomy areas.
Workbook 2 (medium-high level of functionality) continues and enhances the work started with Workbook 1 through additional activities; in particular, in the cognitive area and in the area of communication and language, it provides working materials, strategies and directions useful for achieving the goals of educational programming.

ON LINE EXPANSIONS consist of supplementary fact sheets and in-depth materials (all in editable PDF format) and can be found on a minisite, access to which is restricted to those who have purchased the kit.
Guidebook Expansions: FAQs on recurring issues, assessment tools (checklists and observation worksheets), intervention strategies (ABA and TEACCH Programs, Denver Model, PECS, video modeling...), a case study on behavioral problems, and an IEP example.
Workbook expansions: useful tools for educational planning (goal evaluation grids, reasoned index of worksheets), printable version of pupil worksheets and teacher materials, additional pupil worksheets for further work.

This article can be found at pg. 1071 Of our nursery and early childhood catalog
This article can be found at p. 242 Of our primary and secondary catalog

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